Zygomatic Dental Implants

Zygomatic Dental Implants Buffalo

Have your face, cheeks or lips begun to sink? If you wear dentures, are they loose or do you need adhesives to stabilize them? Do you contemplate facial surgery to prevent age lines? If so, you may be showing signs indicating the need for Zygomatic Implants.

Zygomatic Implant Benefits

Zygo Implants allow patients who otherwise would not be implant candidates to receive treatment to bring them back to form and function. Best of all, because Zygomatic Implants are placed directly in the zygoma bone and do not require grafting, the integration time is significantly reduced, meaning that your case will be done significantly faster than traditional Implants or the All on 4 implants.  You will be back to full form function and eating all those foods you miss in no time!


The field of Implantology does not require additional training or licensing so it is up to the patient to do their research to ensure the provider they chose has a long and proven consistent history of successful Zygomatic Implant placement. Because of the unique and specialized nature of Zygoma Implants, it is imperative for the long term success of the case that the surgeon have a long and proven consistent history of successful Zygomatic Implant placement and integration.

Smile Confidently With Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants are an alternative to more traditional implants which involve drilling directly into the jawbone. Instead of doing this, the Zygomatic implants are much longer than traditional implants. They are anchored in the upper jawbone, which is close to the dense zygoma bone. This difference in location means that Zygomatic implants can provide a secure foundation for your dental implants while traditional dental implants may not be possible. People with deteriorated jaws may not be able to find success with traditional implant surgery. Advancements with Zygomatic implants means it can still be possible.

Dr. Igor Kaplansky
Benefits of zygomatic implants in patients with severe dental bone loss
The zygomatic implant has become the implant of choice for cases with a severely resorbed maxilla. Without this implant, many patients would otherwise require invasive grafting procedures to establish adequate bone volume for the placement of conventional implants. Zygomatic implants help avoid grafting and shorten treatment time, with significant post-operative improvements in function and esthetics.

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